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  • Writer's pictureHenco Vanton

Beef Tallow, EEEEUW!!!

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

Beef Tallow makes up at least 30% of our creams and lotions, and 40% of all our soaps.

"Beef Tallow? Really? That is just GROSS!!!" This is the common reaction by most people when thinking about beef tallow, and even more, how can fat clean?

Well, only if you fry sausage and that thick layer of fat stays behind or if you cook stew or curry and you have to drain all the fat before eating.... now that is GROSS.

Fortunately, not all fat is bad and certain forms of fat does have an amazing purpose in skincare and overall skin health. Beef tallow has been used for ages to make soap. Just think back, our grand parents have used several forms of tallow to make laundry soap. These soap bars lasted a lifetime and in certain families, the first bar of tallow soap is passed on from generation to generation.

OK, So let us be clear on one thing before continuing; At The SOAP Man we hate animal cruelty, and therefore source fat from reputable suppliers who comply with international harvesting standards when getting to animal products. We can get our fat from other suppliers at nearly half the price, but they do not comply with certain harvesting aspects and are not cruelty free, and therefore we wil NOT support them. We also give thanks to God and the animals who have given their life so we can benefit from the fat they have rendered to us.

Also, we do not test our products on animals. We test our products on ourselves and people who volunteer to test our products. After all, we make products for human skin, don't we?

Back to business.... Beef Tallow, also known as beef fat, suide, or lard, has been used for ages as a skin remedy. The info below sum it up very clearly.

From Traditional Nourishing and Healing Skin Care by Andrew J. Gardner, Weston A. Price Foundation

“As we have already seen, our ancestors overwhelmingly used tallow for skin care. For example, a book of “recipes” for all facets of life, written by Dr. A.W. Chase, MD in 1866, lists ten formulations of salve, eight of which contain tallow, in addition to other natural ingredients.17 The healthy traditions of our ancestors were not haphazard but had a purpose that seems to have been rooted in their very being… We might even say that the ancestral wisdom on nutrition and health is more reliable than modern scientific studies, which are subject to manipulations and misinterpretations and can only look at one small piece of the puzzle at a time.”

As the relationship between tallow and modern scientific research is extrapolated, it is noted:

“Modern-day research confirms the traditional wisdom of our ancestors. From biology, we know that the cell membrane is made up primarily of fatty acids, a double layer, to be exact. Saturated fats constitute at least 50 percent of the cell membrane. Since saturated fats tend to be more solid than unsaturated fats at a given temperature, they help give the cell membrane its necessary stiffness and integrity for proper function.20… Healthy, “toned” skin cells with sufficient saturated and monounsaturated fats would undoubtedly make for healthy, toned skin. Interestingly, tallow fat is typically 50 to 55 percent saturated, just like our cell membranes, with almost all of the rest being monounsaturated,21 so it makes sense that it would be helpful for skin health and compatible with our cell biology.”

The short and log of this is: Beef Tallow is bio-identical to the human skin and therefore can be used on ALL skin types. Here are some other facts that you might not have known.

Tallow is rich with vitamins A, D, K, and E. These vitamins are fat-soluble, so they are more readily available for cellular uptake. Thus, this combination of vitamins, as well as its minerals and amino acids, promote skin cell generation.The fatty acid complex in grass-fed tallow makes its oil antimicrobial and anti-fungal.

Tallow is an excellent demulcent.  It is anti-inflammatory, a property owed to high CLA content, or conjugated linoleic acid, which is also detoxifying.

Tallow is hydrating: lipids maintain skin hydration by protecting the skin surface and preventing fluid loss.The structural composition of tallow is compatible with our skin’s. Due to this, it can be called “bio-identical” and it is readily absorbed.Further, this oil is non-greasy, it isn’t like coconut oil, which sometimes sits on your skin.

100% Tallow is a safe, natural skin care solution.  Finally, remembering the body’s interconnections and its skin’s role in maintaining your immune system’s first line of defense, tallow provides a detoxifying shield for healing and whole health.

So there you have it, and this is why we use beef tallow in our products. To us, beef tallow is the foundation of natural healthy skin care and natural beauty.

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